If you are looking for a fruit tree that is going to grow quickly and provide you with lots of delicious fruit, then you should consider planting one of the 7 fastest-growing fruit trees. These trees are perfect for homeowners who want to get the most out of their garden space. We will discuss the different varieties of trees that make up this list, as well as how to care for them. So, if you are ready to add some delicious fruit to your diet, keep reading!

7) Mango Tree
The first tree on our list is the mango tree. Mangoes are a tropical fruit that is loved by many. They are sweet and juicy, and they make a great addition to any garden. Mango trees can grow up to 20 feet tall, and they produce fruit that is about the size of an orange. If you live in a warm climate, then a mango tree is a great option for you.
It typically takes two to three years before a mango tree is ready to produce fruit.
Read more about caring for a mango tree at Gardening Know How: Growing Mango Trees
6) Mulberry Tree
The next tree on our list is the mulberry tree. Mulberries are a type of berry that is loved by many. They are sweet and perfect for making pies, jams, and other desserts. Mulberry trees can grow up to 30 feet tall, and they produce fruit that is about the size of a grape. If you live in a warm climate, then a mulberry tree is a great option for you.
If you’re starting with a grafted tree, you’ll start seeing mulberries after around one year. Keep in mind that mulberry trees might start popping up all over your property.
Mulberry trees need full sun and well-drained soil. They are also susceptible to wind damage, so it is important to plant them in a protected area. When watering your mulberry tree, be sure to water deeply and evenly. Mulberries are ready to harvest when they are soft to the touch.
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5) Citrus Trees
Citrus trees are a great option for those who want to add some tartness to their fruit selections. Lemons, limes, and oranges all grow on citrus trees. These trees can grow up to 20 feet tall, and they produce fruit that is about the size of a grapefruit. If you live in a warm climate, then a citrus tree is a great option for you. You’ll typically need to be in a USDA zone nine or higher because these trees can’t handle frosts.
Meyer lemons and Satsuma oranges can be grown inside. The best variety of these for containers are dwarf trees where you can bring them inside when they go dormant.
Unlike peach trees, citrus fruit trees are self-pollinating, so you only need one tree to produce the fruit. Typically, they start producing fruit the year after they’re planted but are fully producing by three years.
4) Apple Trees

Apple trees are popular for many reasons. They’re fast growers, providing you with a bountiful crop in just a few seasons. They’re also relatively easy to care for, and they’re resistant to many common Diseases. However, perhaps the most appealing quality of apple trees is the sheer variety of apples they produce. Whether you’re looking for a tart Granny Smith or a sweet Golden Delicious, there’s an apple tree that will suit your taste. And with so many different types of apples to choose from, you’ll never get bored of your harvest. So if you’re looking for a fast-growing fruit tree for your garden, an apple tree is a great choice.
Dwarf apple trees will start producing fruit two to three years after planting. A standard size apple tree can take up to 8 years to bear fruit.
3) Nectarine Tree
Nectarine trees are a variety of peach tree and are known for their sweet taste and abundance of juicy fruit. Nectarines are a fast-growing fruit tree and can produce fruit within two to three years from planting. The trees are relatively easy to care for and can thrive in most climates, making them a popular choice for home gardens. Nectarine trees require well-draining soil and full sun exposure for optimum growth. With proper care, nectarine trees will bear fruit for many years and provide a delicious addition to your garden.
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Similar to other stone fruit trees – cherry trees, plum trees, and apricot trees- a nectarine tree from seed takes three to four years to produce fruit. One quicker solution is to purchase a young tree from a local nursery to plant.
2) Cherry Trees
One of the best things about cherry trees is that they are relatively fast growers. This makes them a great option for anyone who wants to add some fruit to their garden without having to wait too long. Of course, the exact rate of growth will vary depending on the specific tree, but in general, cherry trees can grow up to two feet per year.
This means that in just a few years, you could have a fully grown tree that is producing lots of delicious fruit. Another great thing about cherry trees is that they are fairly easy to care for. They don’t require a lot of special attention, and as long as they have plenty of water and sunlight, they should do well. So if you’re looking for a fast-growing fruit tree for your garden, then a cherry tree is a great option.
1) Peach Tree
Peach trees are a popular choice for many gardeners. Peaches are a sweet and juicy fruit that is perfect for eating fresh or using in recipes. Peach trees are one of the fastest-growing fruit trees. You’ll want to plant these in an area that has good drainage because they dislike soggy roots.
Make sure you pick two different types of trees that will bloom at the same time. They need to cross-pollinate.
Most peach tree takes three years to fruit, but it depends on how well you take care of the trees.
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What Fruit Tree Grows the Fastest?
Fruit trees that produce fruit the fastest are soft fruits like peaches, papaya, apricots, figs, and mulberries. It still will take around one year to grow a tree that will produce fruit.
The fast growth rate of a fruit tree is determined by many factors, including the type of tree, the climate, and the soil. Some fruit trees, such as apricots and cherries, can reach full size in just a few years. Other trees, such as apples and pears, can take up to 15 years to reach their full potential. In general, fruit trees grown in warmer climates will grow faster than those in cooler climates. This is because warm weather encourages growth; cool weather slows it down.
Similarly, fruit trees grown in fertile soil will grow faster than those in poor soil. This is because rich soils provide more nutrients for the trees to absorb. Consequently, when choosing a fruit tree, it is important to consider the climate and the soil conditions where it will be planted. With proper care and favorable growing conditions, most fruit trees will reach maturity within a few years.
What Is The Easiest Fruit Tree to Grow?
The easiest fruit tree to grow depends on a number of factors, including your climate, soil type, and desired crop. In general, however, some of the easiest fruit trees to grow include apple, pear, and plum trees. These trees are relatively hardy and tolerant of a wide range of conditions. Additionally, they typically require minimal pruning and training in order to produce a bountiful harvest. With a little care and attention, even novice gardeners can successfully grow these delicious fruit trees.
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