7 More Tips for Living Off The Grid

We got you started last time with our basic tips for living off the grid. Now it’s time to get serious about living off the grid and start erasing your digital footprints.

The NSA recently revealed that it has an increased power to monitor people’s email and phone calls. These tips are all about regaining your privacy, control of your life, and increasing your freedom.

7) Ditch the Social Network

Social networks and websites that track your identity and essentially force you to give up your rights to use their services should be ditched immediately. Cut the cord with any company that wants you to give up your personal information to gain access to basic social media features.

Start calling people, write letters or visit the people you care about and don’t fall into the trap of giving up your privacy for a status update.

6) Go Down the Internet’s Rabbit Hole

Everything you do online can be seen by your Internet Service Provider, and by proxy, the government and anyone else that has access to your network. Learn how to use TOR, a multi-layered privacy tool that was actually invented by the US Navy to create secure and anonymous connections online.

With TOR, you can also access the sites that governments and search engines don’t want you to see. It protects your anonymity and makes what you do on the Internet your business and nobody else’s.

5) Pay Off Your Debts

Debt is one of those crushing diseases that prevent you from getting out and doing the things you want. Find a way to start sending even a couple of extra dollars per month to pay off your credit cards and other debts.

Start now and you can be debt-free sooner than if you only pay the minimum payments required. Living off the grid is about freedom and you can only have freedom when you aren’t obligated to other people.

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4) Reduce Radio Interference

Go through your home and cut the wireless networks, wireless phones and anything else that emits radio waves. If nothing else, shut everything down at night so that you can sleep better without the constant hum of electronics.

The constant noise made by electronics and machines can affect your ability to sleep and your productiveness during the day.

3) Reduce Your Appliance Usage

If you can get rid of one appliance that does the work of two, then get to it. Don’t keep appliances around that clutter your home and limit your mobility.

Consider investing in appliances that don’t require municipal sources to power and run. You shouldn’t put yourself or your family in a position to require municipal sources to shower, cook dinner and stay healthy.

Invest in technology to catch rainwater, use stoves that attach to external propane, and have a backup system to heat your water if something happens to the local utility company. Keep extra gas and other types of fuel on hand, so that you are never caught surprised by any emergency.

2) Change Your Mode of Transportation

Most speed limits are about 35 to 45 miles per hour. A competitive bicyclist can reach speeds that surpass 30 miles per hour. While it’s not expected for you to reach those speeds, you can greatly reduce your reliance on your car and increase your health by investing in a good quality bike.

The better the bike, the faster you can go. Get a good road bike and you should have no problem getting around town and 20 to 25 miles per hour.

This can greatly reduce your gas consumption and give you a mode of transportation in case your car breaks down. You can even buy special canopies that go over your head when it rains and rail guards to prevent grease from getting on your clothing.

1) Create a Stockpile

Stockpile cans, water, and other items you need during an emergency. As climate changes threaten to wreak havoc on our way of life, it makes perfect sense to ensure that you have enough food to last at least a week.

Once you have a one week stockpile, start looking into methods to prepare for a one month and even one year supply of the things you need to keep your family safe.

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