20 Websites To Visit If You Want To Be a Better Prepper

We wanted to put together a little resource for everyone who wants to become a better prepper.

This list is not going to be any particular order, we just wanted to share some of our favorite resources to help you out with becoming a better prepper.

  1. http://graywolfsurvival.com/ – One of the most popular survivalist sites, Graywolfsurvival is informative and easy to navigate.
  2. http://americanpreppersnetwork.com – This website caters to a wide range of preppers. From novices to seasoned survivalists, this site contains information for everybody, as well as a blog to help you pick up tips from other preppers.
  3. http://www.theprepperjournal.com/ – This site is very thorough and has a wealth of information, particularly for those who don’t know where to begin. The attractive layout is an added bonus.
  4. http://tipsforsurvivalists.com/ – This site is particularly helpful for preppers with families, and is chock full of links to other resources across the web. Great for people at any experience level, particularly those with small children.
  5. http://thesurvivalmom.com/ – While this site appears to cater to women, don’t let the name fool you! This site is great for beginners of all genders who want tips on organization, prepping food, and keeping your kids entertained in the event of a crisis.
  6. http://www.doomandbloom.net – Doom and Bloom is both fun and informational –containing helpful articles as well as a radio channel where you can tune in and get helpful survivalist tips.
  7. http://offgridsurvival.com – While this site is not super heavy on tips for beginners, it is a wealth of knowledge in terms of related news stories and information on practical gear.
  8. http://www.survival-spot.com – This site is attractive and well laid out, but is recommended for those who already have base-level knowledge; otherwise the high-tech advice could bury a beginner.
  9. http://preppingtosurvive.com – Where most prepping websites focus on disaster-related preparedness, this one targets wilderness survival in general, and is great for the adventurer who wants to be ready in case of emergency.
  10. http://www.prepper-resources.com – This resource does not only provide information on prepping basics and gun safety, but it will also link you to other sites on the web that can expand your knowledge.
  11. http://survivalcache.com – While it does contains articles on storing food and water, this site’s main focus is weaponry. While it may seem extreme to some, it is an often overlooked aspect of being prepared.
  12. http://sgtreport.com – This website is less about active survival tips and more about the danger we are facing on a daily basis – however, it can be helpful to train yourself to know the warning signs of crisis.
  13. http://www.thepreparedninja.com – A short, simple, and well-organized blog for those who understand the fundamentals, but need help with practical execution.
  14. http://www.survivalmagazine.org – This site is for the advance learner who wants tips on homesteading, wildnerness survival, and more.
  15. http://www.theorganicprepper.ca – This website is very beginner-friendly, but also focuses more on an eco-friendly approach to survivalism. The blogger has several other sites that are related to prepping.
  16. http://www.backdoorsurvival.com – While this site is slightly more difficult to navigate, it has a wealth of in-depth preparation tips, particularly for those with large families and those who want tips on training their mind as well as their bug-out bags.
  17. http://survivalblog.com – Where some sites are a little skimpy, this site has almost an overload of information; however, it is very organized, and has information that appeals to all level of prepper.
  18. http://www.provident-living-today.com/index.html – This website contains gardening tips and is useful for those who desire to become self- sufficient before disaster strikes.
  19. http://www.suburbanprepper.com/blog – Suburban prepper has a few tips for those who are a little more outdoorsy.
  20. http://www.masktactical.com Warrior Tribe – The MASK Tactical Warrior Tribe is a great resource for anyone wanting to actual take their survival seriously. It’s a community where you can go from average to savage in your preparedness and we recommend that people actually join the Tribe they offer there.