Winter Survival Tips They Don’t Want You to Know About

While many survivalists are prepared for any and all worst-case scenarios, there are still a select few who are not prepared for even the most basic situations.

If you are either a beginner or just want an outside perspective on how to survive the winter months, this is for you. Please take into consideration that you can always adjust these tips to better suit your needs.

Ensure that your Car is Running Correctly

Something to keep in mind is that car batteries tend to fail after the very first freeze. Many people forget to check their batteries until the car doesn’t start, but this should not be the case.

After the first freeze, tires, batteries and wiper blade prices tend to rise. This inflation is due to the fact that people tend to forget about even the most basic essentials related to keeping their cars in working condition.

To avoid paying outrageously high prices for these items, properly maintain your vehicle. If you have the money and the storage space, you should purchase these items during the summer months.

If you do not have the money to purchase or room to store these items, you should make sure that you have a good spare tire, your wiper blades are in good condition and your battery is charged and checked on a regular basis.

Keep a Survival Bag in your Car

Always, always, always keep a flashlight, space blankets, candles, matches, food and water in your vehicle. If you have room left, keep a nice, thick wool blanket in there as well. Aside from keeping warm, you will want to ensure that you can survive for days if you ever get stranded in a snow storm.

A flashlight will help you signal for people driving by. This will be your best hope of survival if you are trying to stay warm while looking for help. The space blankets should be lined around the interior of your vehicle. The blankets will act as insulation for your vehicle by keeping the heat inside.

The candles will not provide you with high temperatures, but they will keep you from freezing if you have your vehicle lined with blankets. Of course, the lighter or matches will allow you to light your heat source!

Food and water are always necessities, so that shouldn’t need explained. If you have the extra blanket, you can use it as a cover to add extra warmth to your body.

Prepare your Home for Winter Weather

One of the most important things to remember is that you should check your heating system every year. This ensures that there are no dangers when using the heating system and it will help you prepare for costs associated with staying warm.

Make sure that you have a way to start a fire, in case your central heat goes out for any given amount of time. Food and water, again, are always essentials when preparing for SHTF situations. Something to remember is that the more blankets that you have, the more insulation that you are providing for your home and your body.

The next step that you should take in preparing your home is to check your windows and doors for air leakage. Even the slightest leaks can cause more discomfort than the cost of repairs would have been worth.

Other than that, you should just make sure that you are prepared, and your family should be prepped and prepared as well. Keeping your family in the loop ensures that there are no misunderstandings if the worst does happen. Your family is your first line of defense, so you should keep them healthy, happy and informed.

Winter months can be extremely harsh in some climates. Whether you are preparing for harsher climates or milder climates, you should always ensure that you are prepared for the worst. As the saying goes, “Expect the worst, hope for the best, and you will never be unprepared.”