Top 5 Dog Breeds For Preppers

During a time of distress and anarchy, the term “Man’s best friend” cannot be stressed enough. Amongst experts, dogs are the first animals domesticated by humans and have proven to be versatile allies and useful.

Dogs have been with humans every step of the way, even since primitive humans took their first step on this world. Dogs have helped ward off predators, hunt and herd a variety of other animals.

Although the majority of dog owners do not have their pet for utilitarian reasons, they would be very useful if anarchy erupted tomorrow. However, should society collapse, not all dogs would be suitable.

Top Breeds for Preppers

The following is a list of the best dogs to have on your side if the lights of civilization burn out.

1. Siberian Husky

As one of the most resilient breeds, Siberian Huskies are useful for “pulling their weight.” These dogs were originally bred for moving heavy sleds across long distances through the northern tundra. As a result, they have become tough dogs who do not have any quit in them.

Of course, they need to be trained by a strict owner. They are a proud breed who will not have any respect for demands from someone who is not stronger than themselves. Regardless of this attitude, if you are able to rein them, they will prove to be strong and intelligent.

Also, despite their large size, Huskies are light eaters which is critical to survival. Most dogs eat in excess while Huskies will only eat as much as they need. Similar to Border Collies, Huskies require a large amount of open space and attention. Given that Huskies were bred in rural areas, it is best to keep them in their natural habitats.

2. Miniature Schnauzer

You may be asking yourself, what is the best dog to have in an urban area that has had its lights knocked out? This is a difficult question due to the numerous factors of a good survival dog, most of which are not found in apartment-dwelling breeds.

Dogs willing to work tend to have a large amount of energy and are larger in stature. They require continuous stimulation or they will end up being destructive.

In an urban environment, you must have a dog that is small and calm enough to be able to handle a small space but big enough to keep up if you must go out into the wilderness. This breed must also be a good watchdog to inform you of intruders but that doesn’t bark constantly either. This type of dog needs a lot of exercise to remain alert and well-trained. Overall, you need a dog that has a balance of all these traits.

The best candidate is the Miniature Schnauzer who, despite not being great work dogs, are excellent watchdogs. They are trainable, intelligent and obedient, all of which are crucial characteristics of a prepper dog. You want to be able to teach them how to handle threats by alerting you only when necessary.

A dog that barks at every creak in the apartment will be great at revealing your position. Although the Miniature Schnauzer requires a fair amount of exercise, they are much more adaptable than other breeds. They are family-oriented and want to please their owner more than run and play.

Therefore, plenty of walks in the park during the good times is necessary but you can keep them indoors during the bad times. If you flee the city, they are natural vermin hunters and can easily adapt to a rural area. Additionally, their fur can withstand warm and cold temperatures but not the most extreme climates.

3. German Sheppard

This list would not be completed without a mention of the German Sheppard which is one dog that certainly will not let you down in a bad situation. For this reason, they are dominant in the military, police and search and rescue forces.

They are the strongest, fastest and most intelligent and obedient breed of dog with exceptional senses. From a temperament standpoint, German Sheppard’s are fearless and extremely faithful to their owners.

Also, they are always wary of strangers which make them excellent guard dogs who only bark when they feel threatened. Training is critical for this breed but is all worth it in the end.

With proper training, they can adapt to almost any situation. German Sheppard’s are probably the best prepper dog for a survival situation as long as you keep enough food around to feed them over a long period of time.

Related: Is your pet prepared for a disaster?

4. American Pit Bull

Aside from the relentless condemnation of the American Pit Bull by the media, this species of dogs provide love and tenderness toward their family and ferocity toward a threat. Like all species of dogs, keeping them in line is a matter of training and proper treatment.

They are versatile and can be excellent family pets and “man’s best friend.” Featuring a lean and muscular build, the American Pit Bull can boast incredible feats of strength and would run into blood and bones to protect their family.

This makes them excellent watch and guard dogs who have a natural instinct to discern threats. Also, their muscular build makes them excellent working dogs, as was found during the 19th century.

5. Border Collie

Many animal researchers consider border collies to be the smartest of all domesticated dog breeds. As a result of their intelligence, they are able to adapt to almost any situation.

They have a need to learn and there are numerous tasks you can train them to do in a post-apocalyptic world. Additionally, they are very athletic and seem to have endless energy.

The only caveat to owning such a dog in a lights out scenario is that they need regular stimulation. If they are cooped up in a confined area with no activity, their energy can turn more destructive than most breeds.

They will tear up the walls, supplies, and furniture. If cooped-up in a small house or apartment for a regular period of time, they could become a nuisance.

Given this behavioral trait, it is considered inhumane to own a Border Collie if you live in an apartment. As a result, this breed of dog is ideal if living in a rural area with endless fields.