This Is How To Catch Tarpon On Cut Bait

Fishing for tarpon is an exhilarating experience that requires a blend of skill, patience, and the right equipment. This blog post aims to provide you with a comprehensive guide on how to fish for tarpon, based on the YouTube video by Captain Hollywood. From bait selection to casting techniques and even fish release, this guide covers it all.

The Right Equipment

When fishing for tarpon, it’s crucial to have the right equipment. Captain Hollywood recommends using a big circle hook, which eliminates the need for a hook set. The rod should be placed in the rod holder, and the drag should be locked up. This setup allows the rod holder to do the work, a technique humorously referred to as “fishing with Rodney.”

Casting Techniques

Casting a big bait requires a different approach than casting smaller lures. An underhand lob is recommended to ensure the bait lands smoothly on the water. Once the bait hits the water, stop the line to allow it to sink to the bottom. The line should be kept tight to avoid slack. The drag setting should be around 9 to 10 pounds.

Bait Selection

Both dead and live baits can be effective when fishing for tarpon. Dead baits should be soaked on the bottom, while live baits can be floated on the surface using a cork. This setup ensures that the live bait doesn’t get tangled with the dead baits on the bottom. Fresh mullet is a particularly effective bait for tarpon.

Waiting for the Bite

When fishing for tarpon, patience is key. While waiting for a bite, it’s a good idea to have multiple baits in the water to increase your chances. Tarpon bites are usually strong and unmistakable, so you’ll know when you’ve got one.

Handling the Catch

Once hooked, tarpons are strong fighters. The key to successfully landing a tarpon is to keep its head up. If the tarpon manages to turn its head down, it will use its strength to pull away. The rod should never break parallel when you’re straight up and down on a fish. Smooth drag and steady reeling are essential to keep the fish close to the boat.

Releasing the Fish

Proper fish release is crucial for the conservation of the species. The fish should be dragged alongside the boat to allow water to flow through its gills, helping it regain its strength. Once the fish appears to have recovered, it can be safely released into the water.

Final Thoughts

Tarpon fishing is a thrilling activity that offers both challenges and rewards. With the right equipment, bait, and techniques, you can increase your chances of landing this magnificent fish. For more tips and tricks on tarpon fishing, you can visit SaltStrong.com and FloridaKeysFunFishing.com.