Things Are About To Get Worse, So What Should You Do Now?

Inflation, political infighting, social decay. We’re seeing events play out in front of us not seen in generations. Whatever the reason you are preparing for, the threats are numerous and they’re clearly on the horizon and that horizon is moving closer.

So what can we do now?

I’d like to suggest to the viewers that while prices have increased for staple products I.e. rice, beans, flour and sugar ask yourself what would make these product prices to drop? Then look around and ask yourself are these situations going to happen? If not please get those items now before the prices increase more. I’ve said it before and so have many others. If we are wrong about our food preps and the prices stabilize or drop we can always eat our ‘mistakes’.

One YouTube comment had this to say

Prepping is an art, and it depends on what is your goal. I believe there are three stages of a SHTF event. Pre-SHTF is based on mission, what is your idea of a problem, and actual preparation. Education is key because if you plan for a flood and a nuclear attack happens, then pain is in store. Food, water, defenses, medical supplies, communications, barter plans, possible neighborhood organization, and shelter. During a SHTF stage will be based where you are, get home, bug out, bug in, and take shelter of an nuclear blast, hurricane, tornado, civil war, or economic collapse. After SHTF stage, this is long term or short term. Recovery, sustainment, and logistics. The exchange of goods and services. Post-apocalyptic period is unstable in many ways. There are so much to prepping and survival. Likeminded people must discuss survival and what to expect for the unknown.

Pix Axe Prepper

No matter what happens you will always need food, water, shelter, medical needs, clothing, and a means to secure said items. Don’t worry about preparing for a specific event. As you get the basics covered then you can get specialty items for other events.