SHTF Fitness Plan: Your Plan Starts Today

If you are starting to put together your fitness routine, then you have come to the right place. There are many things that one can do to stay fit, but being fit in an everyday scenario is different from being fit in a SHTF scenario.

When shi* hits the fan, it is unlikely that you will have a treadmill available to do your running, weights to keep your muscles toned or a gym with a fitness instructor to keep your routines worthwhile and efficient. The truth of the matter is that your SHTF fitness plan should include everyday items, and you should change it up frequently.

Push-ups and Pull-ups

I know, the dreaded pull-up is most people’s most hated fitness workout ever, but it is important that you can do them. In a worst-case scenario, you may have to pull yourself up fire escapes, onto rooftops and into trees.

Not only will you need to be able to do this, but you should be able to do it quickly. Push-ups are a great way to begin building the upper body and torso strength that you will need for pull-ups and other activities.

Rock Climbing

Okay, so you live in an area that mountains are not readily available. Make your own wall! As silly as it sounds, you can use many different things to practice climbing of all sorts.

Climb trees, go for hikes in hilly areas, find ways to scale your house, use a friend’s home as a gym or even go to random public areas and practice!

When shit hits the fan, you will be thankful that you have made yourself accustomed to doing more strenuous work because you will be ahead of the game.

Go for Runs

Yes, running on a treadmill is better than not running at all, but it can also be harmful to your SHTF fitness plan. The problem is that treadmills offer a person a place to run in a comfortable, well-heated or cooled environment.

When SHTF, you will probably have to endure exercising in extreme weather conditions, and that could be a shock to your body if you have not prepared for it. Being able to run a mile in 75-degree temperature is easy, but being able to run 5 miles in 100-degree temperature is what will set you apart from the crowd.

Be responsible, carry water and take breaks if you need to, but you should certainly be running in real-life environments.

Exercise your Mind and Body

Okay, fitness generally means exercising your body, but in a STHF scenario, having a fit mind is just as important. You should be reading up on all things related to survival, and you should practice whatever you have the means to practice.

One important factor to consider is that you will likely have less food readily available than you do now. Make sure that you are prepared to work smarter not harder, so that you may use your energy better.

Related Articles on our site: 7 Good Qualities to Have In SHTF Situations

Go Camping

As irrelevant as this may sound, camping is great practice for survivalists and preppers alike.

When you go camping, pretend like you are already in a SHTF scenario.
Try to survive the night or weekend by only purifying your own water and catching your own food. Start by cooking the food over a fire that you built, and try to stay out of sight of others.

Pretending that other people may be out to harm you, you will better prepare mentally for a real world scenario.

Get your Family and Children Involved

If need be, make it a game for your family. Get them all interested in being fit, and then take them on adventures. By preparing your family, you are ensuring that if something happens to you, they may still have a chance.

In a worst-case scenario, your children may have to be the ones who are taking care of you if you get hurt. If they know how to hunt, fish, hide, climb and apply basic first aid, your whole family will have more of a chance at surviving the inevitable.

We recommend joining the MASK Warrior Tribe because it will teach you the foundations for success when it comes to preparedness.

Plan and Practice your Escape Route

More often than not, other people will be trying to leave the area as well. Your goal should be to find the least used route, quickest way to safety and safest way for you and your family to get there.

The only problem is that if you do not practice this route, you are likely to forget something essential along the way. Practicing allows you to become familiar with detours, obstacles and traffic before the situation actually occurs.

Being SHTF fit does not simply mean being able to make your own fire, hunt your own food and purify your own water. While those basics are definitely keys to surviving, you will also need to be prepared for what is to come, and have the stamina to keep going if new obstacles arise.