How To Store Water for Long Term Emergencies

Everyone knows that an emergency or disaster can happen at any time.

Flooding, tornados, hurricanes, and loss of electricity can affect the livelihood of people so that is why it is a good idea to take precautions beforehand.

One of those solutions should be planning for emergency survival. Food and water are critical when bad weather arises. During winter months when an unusually strong winter storm threatens an area, people trying to stock up raid the grocery stores. The average store is emptied in hours after an emergency declaration has been announced.

Storing Water for Emergency Situations

The government recommends storing at least a 3-day supply of water for everyone in the household. At one gallon per day for each family member, this only allows for 3 gallons each. This isn’t enough. People should store clean, safe drinking water for up to two weeks or more.

The problem with storing so much water is finding an area to place it in. Another problem is that with all the storage containers available today on the market, buying them can become expensive. Buying water already bottled at stores can become costly, and the shelf life is usually for only a year.

A better solution is to invest in Clearly Filtered water filtration products . (link opens to Amazon link for Clearly Filtered). A major advantage of using water filtration is the ability to keep clean, safe drinking water available at all times. Stock rotation is the key. People can drink the water as needed and continually keep a clean filtered water supply available for emergencies.

Investing in 5-gallon water containers is essential to have an emergency water supply. The benefits are that they are much easier to move around. They can be purchased at hardware stores, online and at some pawn shops that sell military gear. The price is reasonable over other water storage containers. Filtering clean water in these size containers is easier to do.

Water Filtration Products

People can choose from a variety of water filtering devices. From water pitchers, personal water bottles, countertop faucet filters, inline refrigerator filters, and whole-house filtration devices, there is no limit to the products available.

Making decisions on what types of filtration devices are required is up to everyone based on family needs. A wise investment would be to purchase individual water filtration bottles for the need to be on the go in case a situation arises. Along with a filtration pitcher or faucet filtration device for the home, most water emergency needs would be met.

Storing Water for Extended Periods of Time

Always store water in non-corrosive containers tightly sealed. As mentioned, 5-gallon containers are ideal for this purpose. Place stored water containers in a cool area of the home with low sunlight.

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Rotate the water supply by using it for drinking and replenishing it as needed. This will keep all the stored water fresh and clean. It also keeps the family ready for an emergency situation if one happens in the future. This is the great thing about water filtration products. People can always be prepared and keep a safe drinking water supply along the way.

Never depend on others to take care of an emergency situation. It is up to everyone to make sure that they have clean water to drink in the event of an emergency.