How to Store Canned Food Long-Term – The Complete Guide

Canned food is one of the most reliable food sources due to its long shelf life and affordability. But did you know that you can make the shelf life of canned food stretch even further by storing it properly?

To properly store canned goods long-term, place them in a low humidity environment of 15% with ideal temperatures between 50℉ – 70℉ (10℃ – 21℃) with 75℉ (24℃) being the absolute maximum for storage. Hot and humid environments for canned goods can end up rusting the metal and cause corrosion.

In this article, we will be going over how you can ensure your canned goods are stored properly for the longest shelf life possible. We will also be talking about what types of canned foods store the longest. Read on if you’d like to learn more.

Put Your Canned Goods in a Pantry

The most common location to store canned food in the pantry, and it is an effective solution for your storage needs. Pantries are an ideal place for canned food, and they are dry, dark, and cool. These factors make your pantry likely the best location in your home for storing canned goods. 

Monitor Your Storage Conditions

The best way to check if your canned goods are being stored correctly is to get a humidity and temperature thermometer like this BFOUR Indoor Hygrometer Thermometer (on sale now). It doesn’t hurt to buy one specifically for this case as the conditions inside of a food pantry can differ from the rest of the home. If you are concerned about maximizing the shelf life of your food, this is something to consider.

Be Mindful of How Long Your Food is Sitting

Your canned goods can last for years which can make it easy to lose track of just how long they have been sitting in your pantry. If you are storing food for the long term, it helps to keep a chart and write down when you put the food item in storage. 

Canned Foods That Store the Longest

Not all canned goods are made equal. Certain types of foods will last longer than others, and so it is important to be aware of what is ideal for long term storage. 

Canned Beans

Beans themselves are one of the best foods. They are high in protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals while remaining extremely affordable. Thus, we believe it is an essential canned item to keep in your pantry. 

Canned beans will last anywhere from 2-5 years if stored well due to their high salt content keeping spores and microbes away. As for what types of beans to buy, almost all of them will be acceptable – black beans, pinto beans, kidney beans, baked beans, and chili beans. 

Additionally, beans will pair well with other canned goods such as rice, which brings us to the next item on our list.


It’s hard to talk about food in general without mentioning rice. It is a massively popular food that feeds billions of people around the world, and much like beans, it is very affordable, making the combination of the two a staple cheap and healthy meal. 

We are going to recommend white rice for the sake of shelf stability. You can buy canned white rice that has a shelf life of 30 years. This is an excellent food item to keep around for bulking up meals affordably.

Related Article: How to Cook Rice Outdoors: A Step-by-Step Guide


You are going to have a plethora of options when it comes to canned meat. From highly processed meats like SPAM to more natural canned chicken/beef, you are likely to find meat that satisfies your palette while keeping a good shelf life. 

Like beans, you can expect a shelf life of 2-5 years. Always check for quality when consuming canned goods that have been left sitting around for years. If it smells and/or tastes off, it might be best to toss it, especially when it comes to meat. 


Like rice, canned veggies make a fantastic addition to a meal. If you combine together all the foods we have talked about so far: meat, beans, rice, and veggies, you can have a very delicious and satisfying shelf-stable meal.

Naturally, canned veggies cover a huge range of food. Canned potatoes, spinach, peas, mixed vegetables, corn, carrots, and onions are all great to keep around, and with a shelf life of 2-5 years, they will be with you for quite a long time!

How to Tell If Food Has Gone Bad

We briefly talked about this above but would like to go into more detail on how to check for food quality. In many instances, the date on the can or the shelf life lengths we gave above is a suggestion based on how long that product is almost guaranteed to be safe for. It is always good to use your best judgment if you are opening canned food, and it isn’t quite right.

Signs of canned food that has gone bad are:

  • Cloudy, mushy, and moldy looking food
  • Bulging anywhere on the can
  • Broken seal
  • Visible bubbles
  • Foul or off-putting smell

If the food looks and smells fine, then it generally is safe to eat. It isn’t a good idea to toss a can just because it happens to be a few years older than the can or general guidelines state. Check it out when you are ready to consume it and follow the first in, first out (FIFO) rule. 

Food Besides Canned Goods That Are Great to Have Around

Canned goods aren’t the only food product great for keeping a stock of. There are staples that we recommend for their shelf stability and nutrients.

Emergency Food Kits

In addition to canned food, an emergency food kit is exceptionally handy to have. They generally last over 20 years, and they aren’t a large investment if you are going for something like this Augason Farms 72-Hour Emergency Food Supply Kit. They will provide unparalleled peace of mind, and we can’t recommend them enough.

Peanut Butter

Canned food and emergency food kits aren’t the only food products great for emergencies. Peanut butter is widely considered one of the best foods for survival. It is very calorie-dense, shelf, stable, and full of nutrients and good fats, making it a winner. 

Because of these qualities, It is always good to keep a jar or several around. With a shelf life of only 1 year unopened, you will have to keep an eye on it, but due to its affordability and the fact it is something you’ll likely want to consume often.

Beef Jerky

Beef jerky is also an excellent food. While expensive if store-bought, it can be made at home quite easily for huge cost savings when compared to premade jerky. It is a highly portable, highly nutritious food brimming with protein and great flavor. Vacuum sealed jerky can last up to 2 months, making it a great snack/ meal you can easily grab. 

Here is a video showing how you can make delicious beef jerky:


It is great to have canned goods in your pantry, where it meets the ideal conditions for getting the most shelf life for canned goods. Generally, canned food can last anywhere from 2-5+ years if stored properly, but this is not an absolute maximum. Even if canned food is a couple of years past expiration, checking for quality before tossing is highly encouraged to avoid wasting food.

Overall, canned food is shelf-stable, nutritious, filling, and very affordable. It is still one of the best methods society has for preserving food.

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