How to Choose a Bug Out Bag for Your Child

A bug out bag is a simple bag that comes packed with items needed for survival. Most manufacturers make bags that provide health and safety items, food and other products that will let you survive for up to 72 hours without help from the outside world.

These bags are a great way to keep yourself calm before help arrives after an earthquake, a natural disaster or another emergency situation. Choosing a bag for your child ensures that your son or daughter has the items needed during one of these situations. Selecting the right bags for your kids depends on a number of different factors.

Choosing a Size

One of the first things you want to look at is the size of the bag. Depending on the situation, you might find that your child needs to move quickly. A larger bag on a smaller child will prevent that child from moving comfortably. A smaller bag may not have enough space for everything your child needs. If you need a smaller bag, look for those that have additional pockets on the outside. You can use those pockets for extra items.

Take into Account Comfort

When it comes to selecting a bug bag, comfort is king. Buying a larger bag like those designed for adults can leave your child struggling when wearing that bag. After buying and stocking the bag, take the time to see how your son or daughter responds when wearing it.

The bags should not keep your kids from running, jumping or doing any other sudden movements. You can look for signs that your children are struggling with the bags or that the bags put too much pressure or strain on their shoulders and their backs.

Examine Quality

Would you spend $30 or more on something that would break within a few minutes? If you don’t look closely at the quality of the bags you choose, you might find yourself in this same position. Good quality bug bags have durable and dependable stitching. This stitching can withstand everything from wind and snow to running and jumping without breaking or unraveling.

Pay special attention to the stitching on the bottom and sides. Give the bag a good tug and try hitting it against the floor a few times just to make sure that it holds up to pressure.

Prepacked Bags vs. Backpacks

There are two different types of bug bags that you can buy for your children. Manufacturers of these bags now make special packaged bags that contain many of the items that you need.

These bags often include granola bars, canned meats and a few other non-perishable foods. The bags should also contain some type of first aid supplies, a type of light and some other basic goods. Once you look at some of the top bug bags, you might find that the prepacked bags don’t contain everything that your child might need in an emergency situation and that you’d rather pack the bag yourself.

What to Pack in a Bug Bag

You can easily turn a simple backpack into a bug-out bag for your child. You generally want to fill the bag with enough food to last for several days. This includes non-perishable foods that can serve as three meals per day.

Parents will also want to add clean socks and underwear for their kids, an emergency blanket and a small first aid kit. The bag should also contain a few bottles of water and some water purification tablets that kids can use when clean water isn’t available. Depending on the age of your kids, you may also want to add a few toys.

When an earthquake, flood or natural disaster strikes your home, you want to feel prepared for the inevitable. A simple way to do that is with a bug-out bag for each member of your family. The right bag for a child should contain some simple items and fit comfortably.