How I Started My CONTAINER GARDEN: Easy to Grow Vegetables, Space Saving, Renter Friendly Planting

Let’s take a look at what Lil Red Heidi Hood has been up to: “SPRING HAS SPRUNG & so has my garden πŸ™‚ I have never done a garden using completely containers instead of the traditional in ground tilling and planting.”

In the video, she shares her recent move back to North Carolina and her trip to a local nursery to purchase plants for her container garden.

The Wolf Pack is excited to try and support local businesses and shares her selection of vegetables, including black beauty eggplants, red burgundy okra, Cherokee purple tomatoes, beef steak tomatoes, sun gold cherry tomatoes, zucchini, pickling cucumbers, yellow straight neck squash, habanero peppers, and broccoli.

She also shares her journey of unloading all of the plants and soil from her truck bed and getting dirty while planting her container garden. She plants the tomatoes, zucchini, squash, and eggplant in individual pots, making sure not to overcrowd the deck.

The Wolf Pack gives a tour of her container garden and talks about how fulfilling and important it is to know how to garden, especially in today’s times of unpredictability.