9 Signs Most Americans Will Be Wiped Out By Disaster

One of the biggest reasons most people are not prepared for a disaster is because they have a short memory span. They have trouble focusing on anything for more than a few minutes, or even a few moments and they have no idea how to wait for anything. They fail to think ahead and plan for anything beyond the current moment.

It is not a matter of if, but a matter of when disaster is going to strike our nation.

There are many different possibilities when it comes to what will go wrong, such as financial disaster, natural disaster, epidemic disease or large-scale terror strike.

Most Americans are not prepared for any of these possibilities and here are nine reasons why.

9) They are not prepared financially for an economic meltdown.

Most Americans could not come up with $2000 in the event of an emergency. Most people do not have three months of emergency funds. Less than 10 percent of people have any silver or gold for investment purposes.
What can you do?

You need to have an emergency fund. Even for a minor catastrophe like your refrigerator breaking.

If one of your appliances breaks right now, can you replace it paying cash? If the answer is no, then you will have to go into debt to replace it. You need to have savings, not debt.

In the event of full financial collapse, you need to have some investments in gold and silver. In the event, that currency is no longer any good, and precious metals are no longer valued, you should have a stockpile of seeds. Seeds will be the currency in a world where money and precious metals no longer have value.

8) They do not own any basic medical supplies.

Many American households do not even own a basic first aid kit.
What can you do?

At the very least, you need to have a well-stocked first-aid kit. It would be even better if you had more. You are going to need bandages and supplies for more extensive wound care than a first aid kit will supply. You should also probably take an advanced first aid class and learn how to grow penicillin.

7) They lack emergency supplies.

Most people lack basic emergency supplies like flashlights, batteries, matches and candles.

What can you do?
At the very least, you need a good supply of these items. You should also have a supply of tools that are easily accessible.

6) They believe the authorities will come save them.

This is a dangerous delusion.

What can you do?
Do not lie to yourself. In the event of a catastrophe, emergency services will end. Police, fire, and rescue officers have families too. You can count on them taking care of their own before they take care of yours.

5) They do not have a designated meeting place for separated family members.

Most people have no plans as to where their family should meet should a disaster separate them, or occur while they are separated. This will cost them precious time, and will probably lead to their demise should they spend the time immediately after a disaster searching.

What can you do?
Have a plan and make sure every member of your family knows it.

4) Many Americans do not know all of the phone numbers of their immediate family members.

Many Americans depend on their phones to keep all of their information. They do not have an immediate family member’s phone numbers memorized and they do not have a backup record.

What can you do?
Make it a point to memorize everyone’s phone number, or at the very least keep a backup record that is not electronic.

3) They do not know the emergency plan at work.

In the event of a true disaster, many people will not even make it home. They have no idea how to handle a disaster at their workplace and will most likely be trapped, detained, or perish there.

What can you do?
Know your workplace disaster plan. If there is no plan, or if the plan is inadequate, create your own. Only you will look out for you when the chips are down.

2) They do not have a list of medications they are taking.

In the event that hospitals are still operating, most people do not know the mediations they are taking. Taking medications at all is an indication that a person probably will not survive.

What can you do?
If anyone in your family is on medications, make sure you have a list of them accessible at all times. Keep more than one list because if you only have one and it is destroyed, you are not any better off. Try to stay healthy and fit.

1) Most people do not have 3 days’ worth of food and water.

Three days of non-perishable food and water is the bare minimum, but most people do not even have this.

What can you do?
Keep more than the minimum. Have food that can travel easily because it is unlikely you will be able to stay in your home. Keep water stored and have tablets to sanitize water in your stores as well.