7 Traits All Successful Preppers Have In Common

When looking at preppers, we can see that they are well-prepared, hardworking and intelligent with their approaches. However, it takes a lot more than that to achieve success.

With this in mind, you should know that people who are preppers have a few things in common. Here are seven successful traits all preppers have in common.

7) In-the-know with the news:

First and foremost, when talking to preppers, you can see that they follow the news. This is true when speaking of national or international events.

Furthermore, most preppers also know what is going on in their area. This is important as one will want to know as events unfold. Since we live in a connected world when it comes to politics and currency, most preppers can tell you about what is going on in every area of the world.

Not only that, when looking at weather events, preppers also know more as this is a wise way to prepare for the worst. Remember, when talking to preppers, you can learn a thing or two about local or international happenings.

6) A sense of family and community:

While a lot of people want to paint preppers as people who are paranoid and have a strange approach, this is not the truth. In fact, the opposite is true as most preppers want to help out their friends, family and neighbors.

You can see this when you talk to most preppers as they often want to offer plenty of advice to their families, friends, and colleagues. Of course, this is not always the case as some preppers want to stay away from society and live in the middle of nowhere.

However, this is not usually the case as preppers often want to help others in their quest to be safe.

5) DIY:

When one discovers the ideas behind most preppers, they often want to work on their own or fix their own items.

There is a reason for that as most preppers think that the end of the world as we know it will cause a lot of issues. For starters, if there is a big event, most preppers know that they will have to rely on their own two hands to fix and create things.

Luckily for most preppers, they usually have the ability to work on things and help out their neighbors too.

4) Know healthy habits:

Since most preppers know that they cannot always rely on the government or doctors, they are often in better physical shape. Think about it, many preppers make their own food, can their own veggies and raise their own animals.

When doing so and working hard outside, many preppers do not put on weight or lose muscle. Think about the average prepper you see, and you will realize that they are healthier than the average person.

Furthermore, many preppers avoid alcohol and drugs as they know that in a life-changing event, they won’t have access to this, so they make the conscious decision to avoid these things that only bring them trouble.

3) Good at bargaining:

Now, if there is a serious event that leaves us all in trouble, most people will stop using money as it’s not important when there is no government that is fully functioning.

To avoid issues, a person will want barter with his or her goods or services. In fact, the reality is, many people living on farms or in the middle of nowhere already do this, and preppers are also famous for this as they often need to make trades for their products and services.

In fact, even if you are not a prepper, you should try and learn how to become better at bargaining as it will help you in the future if you happen to become a prepper or need to live on your own.

Related: 7 Things Nobody Tells You About Declaring You’re a Prepper

2) Hardworking:

As mentioned, preppers often work hard to get what they want out of life. Yes, it’s not easy to get up early, raise animals and live a life outside of the rest of society.

While true, when working on your own and having DIY projects, a person will work very hard to get what they want. Not only that, a lot of preppers still have normal jobs, and they only do this stuff on the weekends.

Either way you look at it, if you are thinking about preppers, you are probably thinking about people who work very hard in order to provide for their family.

The simple reality is, if you are a prepper, you probably work hard. If you want to become a prepper, you should not be afraid as it’s fun to get ready and set things up for the future.

Remember, in the end, most preppers feel that they are not too busy with their work as they love to get ready for a potential event in the future since they know.

1) Have lots of hobbies:

Finally, while a lot of people like to use the computer or play games, preppers often have other habits. Of course, this doesn’t mean that they sit around and do nothing that is fun.

Rather, many preppers work hard, but they still have fun when they are not working or preparing. Since many preppers live out of cities, they often have fun hiking, biking or playing out in the wilderness. This is in stark contrast to many non-preppers who live relatively uninteresting lives.

Either way, you look at it, you can see that a prepper probably is not bored often.

When looking at the lives of preppers, you will see that they are interesting as most preppers are intelligent, hardworking and interested in changing their world. While true, it’s also obvious that they are smart and know what is going on for the most part.

If you are thinking about becoming a prepper, you should think about your current situation and how you can improve your life as you will likely encounter problems if you are not wise in your approach.