7 Good Qualities to Have In SHTF Situations

Some of the common mistakes of novice preppers include not preparing for after SHTF scenarios.

If civilization collapses, where will you go?

Will you find a group of people and try to start rebuilding? Will you take control of the situation and have some tools already available? Will you find a group and hope that they will take you in? The answer to those questions should already be in your survivalist plan.

After SHTF, people are eventually going to start trying to rebuild society, but they are going to be extremely picky when choosing who they will and will not trust. You will need a skill that sets you above other people vying for the citizenship status.

Looking toward the Future

So, in your BOB, you have accumulated a number of items that will help you in the first week or so of a SHTF scenario. What you should also have in that bag are ways to start recreating civilization.

Seed packets are great because they take up little to no space, weigh almost nothing and will provide a recurring food source after planting. Items that are going to be needed and hard to get are what should fill any “leftover” space in your bag. Something that will not be included in your bag is knowledge in a specific field that will be an asset to restarting life as it once was.

7) How to Build a House

While the first few days, weeks, months or even years will probably be spent in make-shift shelters, abandoned homes and businesses or walking/running to the next destination, things will eventually start to level out again.

When this happens, people will want to ban together to try and rehabilitate civilization, as it once was. Having enough carpentry skills to build a log cabin will be an asset to any community.

6) Medical Training

If you have time, you should invest in some kind of medical training because doctors will be few and far between. Any new settlement will be thrilled to have someone who knows how to stitch up a deep cut, to remove a bullet, to make medicine from natural ingredients, to perform CPR or any other medical training. If you are fighting for a place in a township, you will be more likely to get that place if you are able to help others stay healthy and alive.

5) Farmers will be Popular

While farming may not be a skill that most people need now, it will be something that is sought after when civilization is in the process of being rebuilt. While there are tons of plants that are edible, most people will greatly appreciate some fresh tomatoes, squash, broccoli and green beans.

Aside from the fact that people will be drooling over the thought of fresh vegetables, they also provide vitamins and nutrients that will help boost energy and alertness. If you are able to provide that amenity to the community, you are almost guaranteed a position as a member of that settlement.

4) Weaponry Skills

Everyone left will know how to shoot a gun, but not many will know how to start repairing and maintaining their weapons. If you know how to rebuild guns, fix broken springs, replace broken pins or even how to reload ammo, you are going to be considered a God.

Due to the fact that most people will have weapons that are no longer functioning perfectly, weaponry skills are going to be in high demand. Prove to the community that you can do these things, and you are sure to be welcomed right in.

3) Education Degree in a Core Curriculum

Once it has been decided that it is time to rebuild, teachers are going to be in high demand. The children in the town will be the next generation, and those children need to be able to carry some knowledge to the table. Basic reading skills will be essential, but people who can teach an advanced core curriculum level will be a necessity to a successful township.

2) Gotta have a Fiddle in th’ Band

Believe it or not, entertainment will be sought after as well. Due to the high-stress situations that most of your peers will have faced, anything to lighten the mood will be helpful.

Almost everyone (no offense intended) can learn to sing in tune, but it takes skills and talent to learn how to play an instrument. If you know how to play a banjo, fiddle, guitar or string instrument in general, you will be welcomed in with open arms. Even if it is hard to find an instrument, it will be possible to make a string instrument that is playable.

1) Culinary Arts

Go figure, people like to eat stuff that tastes good. If you have cooking skills, you may be able to get a job in the local kitchen. Even if you are only semi-talented, you will be bringing something to the table. Learn how to use fresh herbs and plants as seasoning and flavor boosters in your meals. Once you have learned these skills, people will love you.

The typical person will be arriving with little to no extra skills, so having some basic knowledge outside of what is popular will be essential to post-apocalyptic life. The more advanced that your training is, the less likely that it will be that someone else will be able to take your position.

Once you have acquired your position; however, you should start teaching others what you know. A great practice that is taught in the United States Army is that you learn the person’s job that is above you, and you teach the person below you how to do yours. In the unfortunate event that something happens to you, it is only fair that everyone else stands a fighting chance.