5 “Crazy Simple” Tips to Build Your Emergency Food Supply

Your emergency food supply is probably the most important part of prepping for a SHTF scenario. What many people do not understand is that even when you shop on an extremely bare-minimum budget, you can still manage to buy reserves to put into your supply.

In order to better help our readers, we have put together a list of five “crazy simple” ways to efficiently boost your food supply.

5) Buy Something Extra Every Trip

We know that many of you actually live on a really tight budget especially with the economy that we live in. We know that you may think that it is difficult to even spare a few extra bucks for food storage, but it does not have to be so.

Canned vegetables and macaroni and cheese are typically very cheap, so buying even one or two of these can boost your supply. If you go to the grocery store on a daily basis, buy a canned good to put in storage.

If you go shopping once a week, designate only a few dollars to donate to your supply. It does not seem like much, but in a month’s time, you can certainly see what good it does. You should remember to try to get a variety of things but always keep it in your budget.

4) Coupon Coupon Coupon

This may seem excessive, but the truth is that you can get many non-perishable items for less than you would pay for one item at full price. You do not have to be an extreme couponer, but you should always keep an eye out for deals that are better than usual.

By doing this, you will be stocking up on your food supply, learn to purchase food at lower rates and even possibly cut back on your food costs so you can start getting more ammo and medical items.

Video about couponing for preppers

3) Order Cases of Dehydrated Food

When you get your yearly holiday bonus, a little bit of overtime or have a couple of hundred dollars saved, you can always order a barrel or case of dehydrated food. Some barrels could last a family of four for months at a time.

This is a cheap and useful alternative to basic foods that are typically bought from shopping centers. The barrels and crates also take up way less space than tons of food stocked throughout your house.

2) Buy MREs

If you do not know what an MRE is, we will explain it. An MRE is a government food package that has a full balanced meal inside. The package also contains things like toilet paper, so that the person eating it is somewhat accommodated in other ways as well.

While some survivalists say that you should not keep these, they are a good alternative to having no food stored, they each have 1,200 calories and they provide a full balanced meal. If you are uncomfortable with purchasing actual MREs, you can always try one of the many alternatives that have been surfacing over the years.

Where do we buy this? Legacy Foods

Legacy Emergency Food

1) Save your Supply

When times get tough, finances get cut and cupboards get bare, do not eat your food supply. In order to keep stocked up, you should learn to tough it out until you are certain that there is no other option than dipping into your supply.

By learning how to shop smart, stock and store and balance your money, you will be ensuring that your supply is only going to be used when it is absolutely necessary. There are some situations that arise where one would be tempted to dip into the mass quantity of food that is stored, but it should not be done unless there is no other choice.

Keep in mind that we know that it is easier for some than it is for others to stock up on food items. We also know that sometimes things like job loss, cut hours and other major disasters occur, but it should be known that while stocking up on your SHTF supply, you should also try to stock up your cupboards at home.

Buy plenty of non-perishables that can last you through the temporary emergencies so that you are able to keep your supply well-stocked and overflowing.