12 Reasons Every Prepper Regrets Not Doing This Sooner

Every good survivalist wishes that they had started sooner. Becoming a prepper requires a keen awareness, and cultivating this heightened level of attention leads to the revelation that precautions have always been needed.

The Woes of Becoming a Prepper Too Late

Most newcomers to the ways of preemptive vigilance realize that they have been missing out on vital tools and skills. This list shows 12 reasons why most preppers regret not initiating their safety practices earlier in life.

12) The Community is Invaluable

Preppers happen to be some of the nicest people on the planet. Safety is their top concern at all times, and the group efforts of survivalists are creating extra stability for society.

Because their philosophy revolves around disaster prevention, these are the kind of individuals to raise children around. Their mere presence ingrains a sense of well-being that is indispensable, and it is hard to imagine reverting to life before their help arrived.

11) Total Preparedness Takes Time

Survivalists are attempting to prepare for every kind of emergency situation. Logically, it takes plenty of time for amateur preppers to accumulate all of the necessary resources.

There are always more potential problems to anticipate, and new dangers must be countered every single day. Those who have been doing this for a long time will naturally be better suited for moments of crisis.

10) One Can Never Have Enough Supplies

There is no such thing as too many rations. Inevitably, the people who have been prepping for the longest amount of time will possess the most materials.

Unfortunately, a limited budget can slow down the process of collecting supplies. Starting sooner would have permanently remedied the fear of being caught off-guard.

9) Self-Defense Becomes Internalized

Personal security will never have to be left to others again. An enormous quantity of prideful self-defense can be instilled. No bodyguard has as much to lose as the person they are protecting. This factor generates significant risks that can be avoided by managing one’s own safety. Preppers will feel scared for their past selves while looking back at all of the risks that came with letting others take care of serious concerns.

8) Confidence is Maximized

Being able to handle any scenario will create a heightened level of self-esteem. Most preppers cannot believe that they ever lived without the extreme confidence engendered by implementing a philosophy of total protection. This self-assured composure could have been useful for years, but most incipient preppers are only just discovering it now.

7) Useful Disaster Education is Acquired

There are countless possible apocalyptic scenarios that mankind knows about, and knowledge is the sole key to surviving these potentially devastating worldwide incidents.

Once the information has been passed down, the previous level of ignorance is absolutely terrifying. Most preppers regret the period of their life where oblivion took precedence over facts.

6) Survivalism is Surprisingly Fun

The lifestyle surrounding the prepper approach is fundamentally invigorating. Survivalism involves endless past times, pursuits and hobbies.

Becoming a prepper is an especially favorable endowment for those who appreciate the outdoors. Firearm enthusiasts will also be pleased with ample amounts of gun training and collecting. All of these wonderful additions to life can be enjoyed right away, but today’s survivalists often hesitate until the undertaking becomes a chore instead of a mindful practice.

5) Preppers Always Have a Reliable Vehicle

The days of dealing with a broken car are long gone for preppers. Their worldview stresses the importance of a trustworthy vehicle. They usually have a couple of back-up cars and trucks for emergencies.

Related: 10 Essential Items for Your Bug-Out Vehicle

While this is intended as preparation for cataclysmic events, it is also quite convenient for handling daily hassles. Many preppers can look back at times that they were stranded, and they will fill with remorse knowing they could have staved off misfortune with practical reasoning.

When getting stuck on the side of the road no longer happens, preppers know they made the right decision in switching their philosophy towards life.

4) A Capacity to Travel Anywhere is Gained

Here is an extension of the previous entry on this list. Because of their vehicular expertise, preppers are rarely restricted on the basis of geography. In truth, they like to travel a lot.

This allows them to sample various survivalism techniques, and it makes their activities difficult to trace when they are bugging out.

3) Preppers Only Need to Trust Themselves

Self-reliance is vital and useful, but modern culture deprives people of this trait through excessive comforts and forced complacency. No one is equipped to handle today’s challenges through regular means, and isolation is becoming increasingly prevalent.

Fortunately, being alone is never an issue for preppers; in fact, they usually appreciate a little bit of solitude.

2) The Security of Loved Ones is Assured

Many preppers live with the regret of knowing their family’s safety was improperly enforced all along. Before the transition in lifestyle, everyone was at risk and they didn’t know it.

In hindsight, this perceived mindlessness was very reckless and feckless. This is why the majority of survivalists will never turn back. They have learned through experience that life’s lurking dangers are not worth encountering in any manner.

1) The Apocalypse Could Have Been Yesterday

This notion is at the center of all preppers’ mentalities, and it is the scariest thought in their minds’ collective repertoire. Doomsday could arrive at any moment, and it just as well could have happened at a time when preparedness practices were non-existent.

This threat of worldwide annihilation is constantly looming over humanity, and it is only a matter of luck that we have survived this far into the future.

When preppers commit to the survivalist lifestyle, they intrinsically discover the fragile nature of reality. Mankind’s perseverance up to this point has been downright miraculous, and preppers know that a lack of precaution in the wrong moment would have been devastating.

They may be ready to face any future emergency, but it is only a consequence of fate that they lived long enough to confront these hazards in the first place. This realization is frightening, and it culminates in deep regret for having previously risked everything by not paying attention to today’s pervasively imminent dangers.