10 Ways You’ll Fall In Love With A Prepper

Becoming more knowledgeable about preppers and their lifestyle will reveal how beneficial they are to society as a whole. They focus on an individual lifestyle and fight for everyone’s freedom.

Freedom to preppers includes freedom from government dependence, so they keep resources available to them to ensure they can be self-sustainable. This way of life was normal, and even necessary for survival, only a few generations ago, yet modern thinking has shunned the entire notion of it.

Benefits of the prepping lifestyle

A true prepper is an independent, free-thinking, innovative individual who devotes a good amount of time to stocking resources and acquiring the skills and knowledge necessary to be self-sustainable.

They conserve resources and wealth in contrast to most modern people today. Most importantly, they highlight valid arguments against the seemingly invincible modern way of life.

1. Preppers have their own resources.

They have built an entire lifestyle revolving around having a stock of all necessary resources. If you are in need of some necessary or basic resource, then it is very likely your prepper friend already has the item.

Even in times of non-emergency having resources handy can be extremely helpful. For example, if a low-key storm happens to knock your power out then a prepper will likely have a generator or some strategy for continuing on with the day. If you need a particular ingredient for dinner, there will be no trip to the store for that one item. Instead, it is probably already in your prepper’s stock room.

2. They are handy.

Preppers value a wide range of skills from planting gardens to building houses. A good prepper has a strong knowledge base encompassing various skills that are useful in everyday life. From preparing meals from scratch to knowing the best fishing spots, the information a prepper acquires will prove to be helpful in the most unexpected ways.

3. They are generally conservative with their money and resources.

Preppers are great partners because they are experts at cutting costs and reducing waste. Prepping strategy involves buying in bulk which will save money and leave you with plenty of spare resources.

Learning valuable skills, such as growing your own food or general car maintenance will also help reduce costs. By cutting wasteful spending and focusing on the future, you will have more money to save, invest, and prepare.

Recommended Read: 5 Most Useful Prepper Skills To learn in 5 days

4. They are prepared for much more than just a catastrophe.

The prepping that is done to protect from an apocalypse situation can also be just the thing that helps you pull through losing your job, the death of a loved one, or unexpected major medical expenses.

These situations are extremely common and you should most certainly expect to deal with at least one of these challenges during your lifetime. Despite how likely we are to experience these events, most people fail to prepare for these events and have extreme difficulty recovering financially. Having plans and resources available will help you through.

5. They are realistic.

Most techniques that preppers use were actually historically necessary to survive not too long ago. For example, in your grandmother’s early adulthood, she probably canned food for the winter, had guns in the house for protection and may have even had a garden to help provide food.

Only a few generations ago people were much more independent and realistic about their needs. Back then it was not considered prepping, but living. Without planning for the future, you were doomed to fail.

6. They fight for freedom.

The Democratic Party usually argues for social freedoms, whereas Republicans promote economic freedom. Survivalists and preppers fight for all-around freedom.

This group has been ostracized by the media and government and labeled as outcasts, doom-seekers, and even domestic terrorists. They strive for less government dependence and have viewpoints more in line with our founding fathers versus the modern socialistic trend.

7. They can be your insurance plan.

Obviously a preppers main goal is to prepare themselves for survival in the event of some catastrophe. They make plans, store up stock, gather resources, and ensure their safety during any kind of natural disaster, economic collapse, or even total societal meltdown.

Though it is much wiser to prepare for yourself if some emergency does happen then you will know right where to turn.

8. They help the entire community.

Even if you yourself don’t have an emergency kit or supplies, having survivalists in your community greatly increase your chances of survival in a disaster situation. The more preppers you have in your community the more likely your area can survive any disaster or economic collapse.

Together a group of preppers provides the area with a variety of imperative survival skills, stocked resources for immediate needs, and of course the ingenuity needed to rebuild.

9. They are independent.

A skilled prepper has all of the necessary resources he needs to survive on his own, independent of any external situation. They have learned to become problem-solvers, innovative, and most importantly, self-reliant.

They generally live their lives without the desire or need to be told what to do, and love the individualism within others as well. They tend to favor freedom, socially and economically and are rarely swayed by twisted politics.

10. They see the world differently.

Preppers and survivalists alike have knowledge of what it really takes to survive in a completely different world. Today’s modern human does not take into consideration how convenient and easy meeting our basic needs has become.

Preppers, on the other hand, tend to appreciate resources, hard work, and luxury much more than the average person. They generally shy away from the excessive consumption and waste culture we have created today. A person with a greater appreciation for everything in life is generally a happier person.

Preppers have been portrayed by the main media and government as loners and crazy doomsday-seekers, but they couldn’t be further from the truth.

There are numerous advantages that preppers provide to not only their community but also to the nation as a whole for fighting for our freedoms and independent lifestyles. There are countless ways you will fall in love with a prepper, these ten just top the list!