10 Essential Items for Your Bug-Out Vehicle

If you want to protect you and your family, you will want a bug-out vehicle. With this, you can not only feel safe when disaster strikes, but you can prepare for the long-haul.

With this in mind, here are 10 items to bring in your bug out vehicle.

10) Tools for the vehicle itself:

Think about it, if you have the perfect vehicle but it breaks down on the side of the road, you are going to be in a lot of trouble. To avoid problems, you should bring a well-stocked tool kit so you can change a tire or fix any small issues. That way, if you break down, you can fix up your car and head back out on the road.

9) Extra fuel:

If you want to get anywhere, you will need extra fuel. This is especially true if there is a major event and you can’t get to a gas station quickly.

Depending on the situation, there might be looters waiting at a gas station as well.

8) Water:

Without water, you are going to end up in trouble within a few hours. For this reason, take plenty of water in your bug out vehicle.

At the same time, if you have room, you will want to bring a filter or iodine capsules to clean the water.

7) Basic first aid kit:

While you can’t perform surgery or fix major problems, you will want to carry a simple first aid kit so you can bandage up wounds or fix minor issues. Also, before you need the kit, you should open it up and make sure it has everything you need. You want to make sure you know how to use everything in the kit as well.

6) Blankets:

If you live in a warm climate, you still need blankets as it’s easy to get cold if you have to sleep in your bug out vehicle for a night or two. The great thing about blankets is you can use them to lay on when you need to work on your car.

5) Jumper cables:

With cables, you can jumpstart your car if your battery dies. Of course, to be even more self-sufficient, you should consider buying a tool to allow you to jumpstart the car on your own. Or, if you drive a stick, you can start your car on your own.

4) Food:

Now, if you are going to take off quickly in a disaster, you will want to have food in your car. Ideally, you should have MRE or ready-made meals. That way, you can eat with ease.

While it’s easy to buy a few things, you should remember that you will get bored with the same meals and you should try to get some variety as you and your family will appreciate it in tough times.

3) Knife:

With a knife, you can do a lot of things. Not only can you protect yourself, but you can open cans and even use it as a backup screwdriver. While true, don’t rely on a knife for full protection unless you are well-trained on how to use one to ward off an attacker.

2) Tire pump:

When running away from issues or going out into the woods, you may have to lower your tire pressure. This is certainly true if you live in a desert. To get the most out of one, you should buy a pump that you can plug into the car, that way you won’t exert too much energy.

1) Flares:

Now, if you are in trouble, you will probably want to get help from strangers if you can. Luckily, with flares, you can reach out to people and let them know your locations. This is truly useful if power grids go down or your phone and other communication devices no longer work.

If you have a bug-out vehicle, you will want to ensure it runs well and starts right up. Not only that, you will want to fill it up with plenty of items that can help you protect you and your family during a disaster.